Deputy Secretary General of the National Awakening Party (PKB), Syaifu…

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작성자 Sherlene
댓글 0건 조회 2회 작성일 24-09-18 09:12


Previously, PDIP DPP Chairperson Eriko Sotarduga suggested that if their party collaborates with PKB to nominate Anies Baswedan in the Jakarta Pilkada, they would offer the gubernatorial seat in East Java to PDIP. "For example, in Jakarta, if PKB becomes the gubernatorial candidate, can PDIP become the gubernatorial candidate in East Java? Sure, it’s not a trade, but that's what cooperation means, we can't win everything on our own, we must work together," stated Eriko at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on June 25, 2024.

024665500_1717244640-5f484008-012c-462f-bec2-259cf7a852cc.jpegMeanwhile, Populix Research Manager Nazmi Haddyat Tamara said, in a survey of journalists, it was found that the most frequently mentioned threats in the last election were individuals or groups with personal motives (36 percent) and candidate success teams (33 percent) .

"The proposal from Eriko is intriguing," said Huda at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, on Wednesday. According to Huda, the possibility of PKB forming a coalition with PDIP in Jakarta is open if PDIP is willing to become the deputy governor for Anies and if PKS does not manage to find a coalition partner in the Jakarta Pilkada. "It is possible that PKB, with PDIP as the deputy, could happen if PKS does not get to form a coalition," explained Huda.

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In the meeting, Said revealed that PKB has a strong chance of nominating Anies for the Jakarta gubernatorial election. "If PKB, as far as I know, if I heard correctly, God willing, Anies Rasyid Baswedan," he stated. Said revealed that the results of the meeting with Cak Imin have been reported to PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto and PDIP DPP Chairwoman Puan Maharani. He also stated that he would report the view to PDIP Chairwoman Megawati Soekarnoputri. "It's not certain with PDIP, we share views, not seeking agreements. My task is to report to Ms. Puan, to Mr. Secretary General," stated Said. "There might be meetings with the Chairwoman later, discussing the results of every lobby or friendly meeting among the elites," he stated.

Previously, PDIP DPP Chairman Said Abdullah revealed that he had visited Cak Imin's residence to discuss cooperation in the Jakarta Pilkada. Said mentioned that PKB is already set on nominating Anies Baswedan for the Jakarta gubernatorial election. "We went to the PKB Chairman's house, I remember it was after Friday prayers on May 30 before departing for Mecca. We had a heart-to-heart talk, as communication is definitely built among the elites, sharing views and perspectives," stated Said.

Forms of violence during election coverage include coverage bans (44 percent), reporting bans (41 percent), terror and intimidation (38 percent), deletion of coverage results (35 percent), threats (23 percent), and the remainder in the form of digital attacks, destruction or confiscation of equipment, and physical violence.

"In the current election, we have to be realistic. For example, why are we communicating with PKS when there has never been cooperation between PDIP and PKS before? With the condition of KIM possibly forming in West Java, it leaves only PDIP, PKS, PPP. We don't know about NasDem, whether they will join the government. PKB has already, and we are continuously communicating with PPP and PKS," explained Ono

In addition to the Jakarta Pilkada, Puan admitted that she is also considering candidates for the East Java Pilkada. "We communicate all names and try to simulate all names because each region has its own differences and peculiarities. So all names need to be considered," she stated.

"We are fully aware, and with our current fourth rank, we realize it is unlikely for us to aim for the number one position. So, PDI Perjuangan will aim for the number two position, the deputy governor," he said

"In the Journalist Safety Index report, it was found that during the 2024 election process, threats against journalists tended to increase. As many as 84 percent of journalists reported increased pressure or threats during the last election process and considered it 'threatening'. Of that number, 51 percent even categorized it as 'very threatening'," said Purba in his media release, Thursday, June 6, 2024 . [Read More](5614984 5615177 5615442)

094584900_1719312391-Infografis_SQ_Ragam_Program_Makan_Siang_Gratis_Anak_Sekolah_di_8_Negara.jpgAnies Baswedan only gave a slight smile when he heard about the allegations of Jokowi's intervention. He did not want to elaborate on the matter. "All processes are still continuing, just let it be," Anies Baswedan said when interviewed after participating in a reunion with the DKI Jakarta Pemuda Pancasila MPW in Pejaten, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (19/6/2024). Furthermore, Anies Baswedan mentioned that he currently gives importance to issues related to the prosperity of Jakarta residents over other matters. "For us, the primary concern is the well-being of Jakarta residents. It's not about who will be the deputy, that's not the point, and the process is still long, just let it flow," Baswedan said. Before this, the Chairman of the Central Board of PDI Perjuangan, Hidayat Djarot Saiful, considered that there were evidences that President Joko Widodo would meddle again in the 2024 Regional Election. Reacting to President Jokowi's plan to Distribute Social Assistance Before Pilkada This was regarding President Widodo's intention to extend distributing social assistance (bansos) in the form of rice until December 2024. "We not only smell intervention but witness it plainly and openly, in Javanese it's plainly obvious," said Djarot at the Head Office of PDI Perjuangan, Jalan Diponegoro, Jakarta, on May 16, 2024. "Meaning, the involvement is very clear, very visible. It's very obvious," he added. Djarot Saiful Hidayat stressed that the prolongation of welfare aid until December amounts to an overreach. PDIP Requests Election Commission and Supervisory Body to Address the Issue Therefore, PDI Perjuangan requested the Electoral Commission and the Electoral Supervisory Agency to address these indications. Djarot desires that the abuse of authority by President Widodo, which occurred during the 2024 Presidential Election, will not be seen again in the 2024 local elections. "We really demand the election organizers, to carefully oversee. Including the media and the youth. Especially since the aid will be prolonged until December," he highlighted.


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