


번호 일자 상대기관 비고
1 2004.05.01 Laser Photonics Group, University of Manchester, UK
2 2004.06.22 University of Manchester MOM
3 2004.07.02 Femtosecond Lasers Development Group of LOA, France MOM
4 2004.07.28 University of Tokyo
5 2004.07.28 Institute of Laser Engineering, University of Tokyo, Japan MOM
6 2004.09.22 Bio Photonics Research Group, University of California, Irvine, USA
7 2004.11.08 Optoelectronics Group,The Carvendish Lab. UK
8 2004.11.24 Institute of Applied optics in Friedrich Schuller University, Germany
9 2004.12.28 Japan Atomic Entergy Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences 3개 기관
10 2005.03.20 Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences 3개 기관
11 2005.04.13 Cyber Laser Inc. Japan, 광주시 3개 기관
12 2005.06.09 Department of X-ray Lasers in Institute of Physics, Czech
13 2005.09.08 Cyber Laser Inc. Japan
14 2006.03.10 Max-Born-Institute, Germany
15 2006.05.08 Fudan University
16 2006.05.08 State Key Lab in Fudan University China
17 2006.05.08 Center for Micro-photonics in Swinburne University Of Technology, Austrailia
18 2006.05.10 National Institute for Material Science, Japan
19 2006.05.10 Optronic materials center at National Institute for materials Science, Japan
20 2006.05.29 Continuum, USA MOM
21 2006.06.04 Photon Science Institute in the University of Manchester, UK
22 2006.09.12 Department of Physics, University Mainz, Germany Austria Wien 소재
23 2006.11.07 Institute of Physics, Czech
24 2007.02.07 University of Texas at Austin, USA
25 2007.02.23 Institute fuer Strahlwerkzeuge, University Stuttgart, Germany
26 2007.05.07 Synova, 광주시 3개 기관
27 2007.05.11 Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden MOM
28 2007.06.14 NILES, Egypt
29 2007.08.24 Max Planck Institute of Quantum Opics at Garching, Germany MOM
30 2007.08.28 Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India MOM
31 2007.08.29 RIKEN Sendai, Japan MOM
32 2007.11.07 Institute fuer Physik, University Oldenburg, Germany MOM
33 2008.08.04 CREOL & FOCE, University of Central Florida
34 2009.03.25 Moscow State University Russia
35 2009.09.29 Atomic and Molecular Physics Lab. Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathmatics, China
36 2010.03.01 Power Photonics & Applications Group, University of Southampton, UK
37 2010.03.04 Laser Physics Group, IAP, Switzerland 2012.04.09
38 2010.03.30 Laserfest
39 2010.06.18 Teraherz Sensing and Imaging Team, Japan
40 2011.02.25 Institute of Physics, CAS, China 3개 기관
41 2011.04.05 Institute for research in Electronics and Applied Physics, USA
42 2011.05.23 University of Strathclyde, Scotland 물리광과학과 공동
43 2011.11.10 LULI, Ecole Polytechnique, France
44 2012.01.31 LOA, France
45 2012.02.15 CNRS, France
46 2012.09.27 University of Delhi, India 물리광과학과 공동
47 2012.09.27 ELI-FZU, Czech
48 2012.11.20 IAP University Bern & 삼성탈레스 3개 기관
49 2013.03.04 Osaka University, Japan 방문 서명
50 2017.09.08 Hanwha Defense Systems & IAP, University of Bern
51 2017.10.31 Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
52 2017.12.07 UPD National Institute of Physics, University of the Philippines